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(PDF) FuX, an Android app that generates counterpoint | Dorien Herremans -

The Study of Counterpoint PDF book by Johann Joseph Fux Read Online or Free Download in ePUB, PDF or MOBI eBooks. Published in June the book become immediate popular and critical acclaim in music, non fiction books. The main characters of The Study of Counterpoint novel are John, Emma.4,2/5 9/07/ · JOHANN JOSEPH FUX COUNTERPOINT PDF. Misc. Notes, Title: Practical Rules for Learning Composition translated from a Work intitled Gradus ad Parnassum written originally in Latin by John Joseph Feux. The Study of Counterpoint has ratings and 36 Zukree Akinorg The Study of Counterpoint from Joseph Fux’s Gradus Ad Parnassum Translated & Edited by Alfred Mann Compliments of The Reel Score 2 Services Original Music Composition Music Spotting Music/Sound Design Efx/Foley/VoiceOvers for QuickTime/Flash Animation Michael Morangelli

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Download The Study Of Counterpoint from Fux's 'gradus Ad Parnassum' Type: PDF. Date: December Size: MB. This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. Report DMCA Free download or read online The Study of Counterpoint pdf ePUB book.

The first edition of the novel was published in Juneand was written by Johann Joseph Fux. This paper. A short fux counterpoint pdf download of this paper. READ PAPER, fux counterpoint pdf download.

FuX, fux counterpoint pdf download Android app that generates counterpoint [17] J. Fux and A. Geis and M. An ant. edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. To browse Academia. edu and the wider internet fux counterpoint pdf download and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.

Log In with Facebook Log In with Google Sign Fux counterpoint pdf download with Apple. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. FuX, an Android app that generates counterpoint Dorien Herremans.

Nys Joeri. Kenneth Sörensen. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper. FuX, an Android app that generates counterpoint. nys ua. be The papers can be also found at our website: www. A variable neighborhood search algorithm is implemented in order to generate the music. This algorithm is a modification of an algorithm developed previously by the authors to generate musical fragments of a pre-specified length [28].

The changes in the algorithm allow the Android app to play a continuous stream of music, fux counterpoint pdf fux counterpoint pdf download. The objective function used to evaluate the quality of the fragment is based on a quantification of the extensive rules of this musical style.

FuX is a user friendly application that can be installed on any Android phone of tablet. In order to do this, the composition process is modeled as a combinatorial optimization problem. In fux counterpoint pdf download, a musical fragment is considered to be good when it fits a certain style as well as possible. The better a fragment fits a style, the better its quality will be. The algorithm that underlies the FuX app, called Optimuse, uses fifth species counterpoint style, a type of polyphonic classical music [17].

In a previous paper, fux counterpoint pdf downloadthe authors have quantified the extensive rules of this style, fux counterpoint pdf download.

This quantification can be used to determine the counterpoint quality of a fragment [28]. A variable neighborhood search VNS fux counterpoint pdf download called Optimuse was developed and implemented. This algorithm can efficiently generate musical fragments of a pre-specified length on a pc [28]. In this research the existing VNS algorithm was modified to generate a continuous stream of new music, fux counterpoint pdf download. It was then ported to the Android platform.

Email: dorien, fux counterpoint pdf download. herremans ua. Possible uses include playing an endless stream of classical music to babies. Babies often calm down and experience health benefits from listening to soothing music [51].

It can be conjectured that the highly consonant style of classical counterpoint is especially suitable for this purpose. Moreover, parents who are tired of listening to the same tune thousands of time might prefer the non-repetitiveness of the music generated by FuX. FuX also provides an endless stream of royalty-free music that could be played in elevators, lobbies and as call center waiting music. Finally, it might offer an endless source of inspiration to composers. The idea that computers could be used to compose music was formed from the fux counterpoint pdf download conception of computers.

They use a rule-based approach to compose music [2], fux counterpoint pdf download. Other applications soon followed. An extensive overview is given by Burton and Vladimirova [11] and Nierhaus [41], fux counterpoint pdf download. For instance, in this fux counterpoint pdf download a set of 10 allowed pitches is defined depending on the selected key. This means that a small fragment of fux counterpoint pdf download notes, without taking into account rhythmic changes, fux counterpoint pdf download, already has possible combinations of pitches.

Heuristic or metaheuristic optimization techniques are very suitable for this type of combinatorial optimization problem. Metaheuristics do not necessarily return the optimal solution like exact methods [6], but use a variety of strategies to find a good solution in a limited amount of time. There are roughly three fux counterpoint pdf download of metaheuristics [54].

usually maintain a set of solutions population and combine solutions from this set into new ones. The first genetic algorithm applied in the field of music was developed in [30], fux counterpoint pdf download. In the following years, many population based algorithms have been developed for CAC.

Topics include the generation of jazz solos [5], rhythmic patterns [31, 55], counterpoint style music [14, fux counterpoint pdf download, 35, 45, 46], evolving chords [40], combining fragments for orchestration [13], and others. Constructive metaheuristics, such as ant colony optimization and GRASP, form a second class of metaheuristics that build a solution from its constituent parts. This category is not as popular as the previous class.

Inthe first ant colony algorithm was developed for harmonizing baroque music [18]. Local search techniques tabu search, variable neighborhood search. are considered to be a third class of metaheuristics. They iteratively improve a fux counterpoint pdf download solution [54].

To the authors knowledge, fux counterpoint pdf download, the variable neigh- borhood search algorithm for generating counterpoint developed by the authors is the first VNS applied to this problem [29], fux counterpoint pdf download.

In contrast to previous studies which often only optimize a very limited set of rules such fux counterpoint pdf download [14] fux counterpoint pdf download, a fairly complete set of counterpoint rules is used in this research, fux counterpoint pdf download. Android is a software toolkit that runs on a large number of mobile devices. Mobile phones and tablets have never been more popular and are getting increasingly more powerful [36], fux counterpoint pdf download.

There are a plethora of other mobile operating systems available. Symbian from Nokia, Win- dows Mobile from Microsoft, BlackBerry from RIM, iOS from Apple etc. According to a Survey of Oliver [42] none of these operating systems including Android are perfect for developers. The two most used operating systems are iOS and Android [20]. The VNS developed in this research is implemented on the Android system, which allows it to run on a multitude of devices, not only those from Apple, with many of these devices available at a relatively low cost.

Google reported that more than million Android devices have been activated [4]. Park and Chung [43] give an extensive overview of music related Android applications. Since Android 1. Added to that, fux counterpoint pdf download trend to invent different names for similar existing metaheuristics makes it harder to get an overview of the entire field [53].

Fajardo and Oppus [15] have implemented a genetic algorithm for mobile disaster management, fux counterpoint pdf download counterpoint pdf download. Zheng et al. In the next sections, the objective function and the implemented VNS algorithm are described in detail.

Section 4 explains the implementation called FuX of the VNS for the Android platform. Johann Fux wrote down the rules for species counterpoint in in his Gradus at Parnassum [17]. The rules of counterpoint are considered to be one of the most restrictive sets of rules for composing renaissance music. Therefore fux counterpoint pdf download counterpoint consists of five species or levels first, second, third, fourth and the most advanced is called florid counterpoint which are all taught in sequence.

With each level, fux counterpoint pdf downloadmore fux counterpoint pdf download is added to the music, e. The rules written down by Fux are fundamental in music pedagogy, even today [24]. The fact that they are reducible to a set of simple rules [48] makes it easy to include them as quantifiers of quality in an objective function. The fifth species counterpoint in this research consists of a cantus firmus CF and a counter- point CP melody.

The cantus firmus is the melody to which the counterpoint is composed. The algorithm described in the next section sequentially generates these two melodies. The rules for the counterpoint also include the harmonic interplay between the two melodies i. All of the Fuxian rules based on Salzer and Schachter [49] were quantified and reduced to a subscore between 0 and 1.

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Johann Joseph Fux - Missa Purificationis, K.28. {w/ score.}

, time: 13:24

Fux counterpoint pdf download

fux counterpoint pdf download

Download PDF - The Study Of Counterpoint (from Fux's 'gradus Ad Parnassum') [d47ejp80kyn2] Download The Study Of Counterpoint (from Fux's 'gradus Ad Parnassum') Type: PDF. Date: December Size: MB. This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the Free download or read online The Study of Counterpoint pdf (ePUB) book. The first edition of the novel was published in June , and was written by Johann Joseph Fux. The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of pages and is available in Paperback format. The main characters of this music, non fiction story are,.4,2/5 The Study of Counterpoint from Joseph Fux’s Gradus Ad Parnassum Translated & Edited by Alfred Mann Compliments of The Reel Score 2 Services Original Music Composition Music Spotting Music/Sound Design Efx/Foley/VoiceOvers for QuickTime/Flash Animation Michael Morangelli

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