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Ruby download file from url

Ruby download file from url
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ruby - How to download each zip file from a url and unpack using rails - Stack Overflow

15/02/ · Example 3 in the Ruby's net/http documentation shows how to download a document over HTTP, and to output the file instead of just loading it into memory, substitute puts with a binary write to a file, e.g. as shown in Dejw's blogger.coms: 8 I have a URL to an image which i want to save locally, so that I can use Paperclip to produce a thumbnail for my application. What's the best way to download and save the image? (I looked into ruby file handling but did not come across anything.) The easiest way is probably to use url_object =[my url])

ruby download file from url

Ruby download file from url

Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. zipwith basic authentication.

I tried to execute the following ruby script, from windows command prompt. When I executed the script, I see no errors but the file isn't downloaded. Could you please kindly correct my code. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more.

ruby code to download a file from url with basic authentication Ask Question. Asked 4 years, 3 months ago. Active 4 years, 3 months ago. Viewed 2k times. I am new to ruby and I am learning it. zip' Net::HTTP. start uri. host, uri. new uri. request request Net::HTTPResponse object puts response puts response. body end When I executed the script, I see no errors but the file isn't downloaded. ruby-on-rails ruby. Improve this question.

edited May 30 '17 at Aleksei Matiushkin k 9 9 gold badges 89 89 silver badges bronze badges, ruby download file from url. asked May 30 '17 at chef dev chef dev 41 2 2 bronze badges.

You are printing the response. Instead write it to a file. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. You can try this: require 'open-uri' File. file', "wb" do file file. com', 'John']. read end. Improve this answer. answered May 30 '17 at Divya Sharma Divya Sharma 5 5 silver badges 13 13 bronze badges. You were almost there. com', 'John' http. pdf' end end. Vamsi Krishna Vamsi Krishna 3, 4 4 gold badges 18 18 silver badges 44 44 bronze badges. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google, ruby download file from url.

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Ruby download file from url

ruby download file from url

15/02/ · Example 3 in the Ruby's net/http documentation shows how to download a document over HTTP, and to output the file instead of just loading it into memory, substitute puts with a binary write to a file, e.g. as shown in Dejw's blogger.coms: 8 The easiest way is probably to use url_object =[my url]) 30/05/ · I am new to ruby and I am learning it. I am looking to download a file from one url(eg:, with basic authentication. I tried to execute

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